Ruth E. Sanchez, CHaSS Dean, together with department chairpersons and faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, officially welcomed the incoming and returning old students for the first semester of School Year 2020-2021 during the virtual College General Student Orientation on August 20, 2020.

The dean stressed the initiatives and measures taken by the college and the entire CSU community for the flexible teaching and learning arrangement in the following semester. ‘Our faculty and staff worked hard to creatively redesign things to meet your needs and to ensure that you will achieve the intended learning outcomes of your courses in spite of this COVID-19 pandemic,’ Sanchez said

Shiela S. Badiang, Psychology Department chairperson, encouraged incoming students to make their academic experiences meaningful by giving their best try coupled with diligence and commitment. Badiang went on saying that students must embrace the thought of silver lining by facing the ‘new normal’ with so much optimism. The Faculty of Psychology explained some relevant features of Masao Learning Management System utilized by the university for this semester. Badiang said further that students must have to be prompt in submitting course work because of assessment dues, but still subject for changes based on the survey results.

Addressed to BS Social Work incoming freshmen, the department chairperson Desiree F. Gonzales stressed the role of the department in training and producing competent pre-service social workers. ‘We are committed to produce pre-service social workers who are steadfast in upholding and promoting social justice, social transformation, human rights, liberalism, democracy, and freedom,’ Gonzales said further.
Gonzales emphasized that the department considers mandates and directives of the university with regards to students' questions as to mode of course delivery. 'Answer the survey to be provided by the college,' Gonzales said, 'and familiarize the Masao LMS,' she added. Meanwhile, Jan Rey Flores and other faculty members answered queries as to on-the-job training, thesis proposals, course policies, group work, and dress code.

Jewry S. Catle, Sociology Department chairperson, emphasized the role of the department in refining students’ critical thinking and communication skills in various modes of social discourses. ‘You will come to understand how living in a community of peers with diverse ideas and cultural background can enrich and broaden your understanding of the world which, in turn, helps you define the place that you want to take in society,’ Catle noted.
The Faculty of Sociology likewise answered common queries about the Masao LMS. Some students asked whether modular approach is an alternative arrangement because of their limited or no internet access. The department emphasized that students need to answer the college survey assessing students' readiness in the flexible teaching and learning.

Communication and Humanities Department chairperson Didith P. Brown echoed the importance of open line of communication between faculty and students in the ever-changing landscape of the ‘new normal’. ‘Despite this pandemic, we should learn from each other together, apart. We appreciate and value your feedback for each course that we deliver for us to serve you better,’ Brown said. ‘Be relentless to learn!’ (in Filipino) she concluded. Gomer Jay S. Legaspi, a faculty from DCH and the moderator of the virtual event, introduced the seven (7) general education courses (GECs) delivered by the department. 'We have to be ready amidst these challenging times,' said to freshies and returning old students. -CHASS PIWO